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Does Sober Living Really Have to Come After Treatment?

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Only the best rehab programs will incorporate a sense of continued accountability, community involvement, and sober support networks. Addiction treatment programs with these aspects are proven to be more effective. Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery includes sober living opportunities to act as transitional living, with the goal of preparing guests for independence- giving them confidence in their ability to balance sobriety and life. The recovery process should include a variety of factors that ultimately contribute to the overall health and wellness of people in recovery.

What is Sober Living?

Sober living homes or a sober house is often the final phase of addiction treatment. This type of living environment is also called half-way houses or three-quarter houses, essentially just sober living houses that have house rules for guests to follow. Many alcohol or drug rehabs strictly offer programming that is at an inpatient level of care, with little freedoms. Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery provides a difference in our outpatient treatment services.

Does Sober Living Really Have to Come After Treatment?

Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery is dedicated to providing the highest standard in addiction treatment. We have created outpatient programming to continue to address alcohol abuse and substance abuse, to re-instill confidence in our guests, so that they can live a successful life in sobriety. Our services offered at Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery were designed to follow medical detox and residential inpatient treatment. We offer a 9-week program made to follow our guests from residential treatment, created to guide guests transitionally.

Our 9-week Program of Recovery

Our 9-week program includes two phases: three weeks of PHP, or the partial hospitalization program and six weeks of IOP, or the intensive outpatient program. Following an inpatient level of care, guests will begin the 9-week program with PHP for three weeks. PHP includes six hours of group per day for six days of the week. After the first three weeks, the program transitions guests from PHP to IOP. The first part of the intensive outpatient portion of the program spans for three weeks, which includes three hours of group therapy a day for five days out of the week. The second part of the IOP portion of the program consists of three hours of group therapy each day for three days out of the week. Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery uses this 9-week approach to transition our guests to independent life. Through out the 9-week program, guests reside in our Royal Life Centers Housing, which is our Sober Living. For the PHP phase of the program, housing costs are built into the cost of treatment. For the first part of the IOP portion, cost of living is $50/week, while it is $75/week for the final portion of the program. Guests receive a $35 food voucher, two times per week, for grocery shopping. Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery provides transportation to and from the grocery store regularly, as well as to 12-step meetings four times per day.

Our Graduate Housing

Guests who have completed our 9-week program and have obtained a job, as well as new guests, are invited to live in our Graduate Housing option. Our Graduate Housing is a less-restrictive form of our Sober Living. Guests in Graduate Housing pay rent of $100/week, are allowed to bring visitors on property, and are able to get overnight passes for visitors. Our Graduate Housing allows for freedoms, and still provides a strong network of support for our guests. Guests will maintain a sense of accountability with curfew check-ins, twice weekly urinalysis testing for alcohol and drugs, and accessibility to our experienced staff. Guests love to keep the connection they built with their Royal Life family, and so our graduate housing is the perfect supportive environment for guests to create a balance between work and life while maintaining sobriety.

Our Treatment Approach

Royal Life Centers is a holistically based program that treats the mind, body, and spirit of our guests. Our treatment programs focus not only on drug and alcohol detox, but mental and behavioral health also. Our treatment centers offer the highest standards in addiction treatment, using only the best practices with proven effective therapeutic treatment methods. Our drug and alcohol treatment centers feature highly trained professionals at every level of care. Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery exclusively offers our aftercare services, including our 9-week program of recovery, sober living and graduate housing. Despite this, we offer medical detox services and residential inpatient programs at our other Royal Life Centers facilities. Click for a list of locations.

Our Sober Living and Graduate Housing Facilities

Our facilities are modern and spacious. The Sober Living and Graduate Housing facilities include living rooms with comfortable couches, a flat screen television, and an Xbox One gaming system. Each room has a comfortable bed and its own plasma screen TV, along with dressers and closets for the storage of our guest’s personal items. Full-sized kitchens are in each living space, as well as on-site washers and dryers. Our facilities provide comfort and safety for our guests.

For more information about Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery, please look at our website. You can also call (877)-RECOVERY or (888) 716-4070 to speak to our admissions team, who are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. Because We Care.

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