Heroin Treatment
What is Heroin?
Heroin is a commonly abused drug derived from opium and manufactured from morphine. Certainly, it has taken the United States by storm, claiming thousands of lives every year. As a matter of fact, a major contributing factor to the opioid crisis is prescription painkillers. Oftentimes, people addicted to prescription painkillers resort to heroin when they can no longer afford their habit.

Heroin either comes in the form of a brown or white powder or a dark colored, sticky matter. Markedly, it can be snorted, injected, or smoked. With this in mind, once heroin makes its way into the system, it binds to the opioid receptors in the brain, eliciting feelings of pleasure and elevated mood. Subsequently lowering breathing rates and blood pressure. In spite of it producing an enjoyable high, heroin is a dangerous drug that can have life-threatening effects.
It can take only one or two uses before a person begins the never-ending chase of re-creating that first high. That being said, heroin addiction is remarkably one of the most difficult to kick. A medical detox facility is the best place to start the process. Our detox facility at Royal Life Centers provides 24/7 medical supervision and resources to make the withdrawal process as comfortable as possible.
Temporary effects of cocaine use (NIDA):
- Dry mouth
- Flushed skin
- Heaviness in the arms and legs
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Itching, sometimes severe
- “Track marks” from injection use
- Impaired mental function
Continuing effects of cocaine use (NIDA):
- Restlessness/inability to sleep
- Vein collapse
- Heart lining/valve infection
- Abdominal/stomach cramping and constipation
- Disease of the liver and kidneys
- Respiratory issues, such as lung complications
- Depression and antisocial personality disorder
- Sexual dysfunction or irregular menstrual cycles
Trying to detox from heroin or other opiates on your own may have serious medical consequences. Therefore, medical supervision and medication-assisted treatment at a certified and accredited detox center are essential.
Should I seek treatment for heroin addiction?
Indications of a potential heroin addiction
- Engaging in other high-risk behaviors
- Prioritizing heroin and planning activities around using it
- A disinterest in normal activities/things you enjoy
- Lying, stealing, or manipulating others to get heroin
- Heroin withdrawal symptoms and/or cravings
If any of the warning signs mentioned above are apparent in your life, or the life of someone you care about, please call 928-910-8708 to inquire about our detox program. Regardless of your financial situation, we are here to help.
Heroin withdrawal symptoms (NIDA):
- Insomnia
- Severe pain in muscles and bones
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Cold flashes, possibly accompanied by goosebumps
- Leg spasms
- Severe drug cravings
What comes after medical detox
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